How Supplier Diversity Tools Work

We step outside the box, breaking down the barriers of yesterday’s supplier diversity management.

In a world that’s focused on numbers, clouds, and automation, Datalou delivers supplier diversity tools, resources and program management that builds relationships by connecting brands, suppliers, and agencies.

Supplier Diversity Tools

Manage Your Suppliers


Certifications & Classifications


Reporting Requirements


Spending & Sourcing Efforts

You focus on the
we’ll handle the rest.

Supplier Intelligence

We set the industry standards for diverse validation in media and advertising with capabilities to identify suppliers by over 190 certifications and 60 classifications.


  • Our processes have been vetted by leading agency CFO’s and top advertisers.

  • We adhere to the highest standards for certification, classification, and validation.

  • We capture key demographics in addition to business and ownership structure.  

Find out more about Supplier Intelligence here.

Reliable & Accurate Reporting

Manage your internal supplier diversity requirements and client goals for an unmatched experience. Your clients have different requirements for diversity reporting, we capture it all for precise number-crunching that produces exactly the data needed in over a dozen reports to fufill your clients’ requests and improve supplier diversity initiatives.


Finally, you can say goodbye to countless spreadsheets and scattered emails chasing down the right information.

Supplier Diversity Program Management

Ready to find out more?

Datalou's SaaS is a scalable platform designed with agencies in mind for a truly tailored fit with quick turnkey applications. 

Contact us today for more information about how we can bring your supplier diversity program into today's world.